Wednesday, March 24, 2010

coming back from spring break

I don't feel like waking up and going to school I just want to have another break again.Taking the taks two weeks after spring break is going to be hard! The taks is important to me but I don't like it. The taks test is important because it tells you if you go on to the next grade or if you need to stay. I am confident of taking the taks I know I can beat it. I don't know what I would do with the taks when I graduate from college.

Monday, March 1, 2010

My weekend

I had a good weekend this week. First I had a basketball game and the next day we had a lots of things. First we went eating then we went to the mall we were there for a long time then we ate then we went to the mall again but I for got that my sister did her girl scout cookie sell. then at night we went to academy so I can get some running shoes and a ladder for my feet work. But my sister was taking to long and the store was ready to close we only had ten minutes. We had finally found some shoes that she liked and we went from the back of the store to the front to check out and when we got there she said that she doesn't want them so me my mom and my sister went to go get some shoes for her. Then we ran back as fast as we can right threw the close section and it was like a maze. then the gate of the doors were ready to close. My dad was mad that we were taking so long.

Monday, February 22, 2010

my weekend

I had fun I had a basketball game and we came in 3rd place. And my aunt came to have dinner with us at my grandmother. We played games and had some fun. I had miss my game on sunday but we still won so I was happy but sad that I didn't go to the game. I had almost got fouled out
so my coach sat me on the bench five minutes left in the game so I didn't get to play.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

president's day 1860 presidential election

I would vote for Abe lincoln because he guided the us threw the cival war. He had stop slavery and free some of them. He had let Afercan American in the wars.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Wednesday, January 13, 2010